generated using discharge by daniël van os
based upon data from astrogenic's nexstorm
Direction Analysis
This graph shows the number of strikes detected per direction. It will give you a quick impression of where thunderstorms occur most often. Sharp spikes and dips may indicate sources of interference.

The red line indicates the average number of strikes per degree.

The graph is supplied as an SVG file. In Internet Explorer you must install the Adobe SVG Viewer plug-in to view it. Mozilla Firefox 1.5 (September 2005) will probably have native SVG support, it's already in the alpha version: Deer Park Alpha 2. Opera also has native SVG support.

An extra problem that may arise is caused by the fact that many Web Servers aren't configured to handle SVG files yet. They specify the wrong MIME type (txt) resulting in the source being shown instead of the graph.

direction min max avg delta sensitivity
North 1538 2565 2003.6 0.4 6.54
NorthEast 16 149 63.2 0.1 0.03
East 1768 2995 2425.8 0.5 24.60
SouthEast 330 1254 811.0 0.4 0.21
South 3787 6420 5144.4 1.1 10.89
SouthWest 13 354 134.0 0.1 0.03
West 2422 4465 3495.2 0.8 10.23
NorthWest 237 929 549.2 0.3 0.20

The table above shows some characteristics of the antenna. It is based upon a small 5 degree window per direction. min is the minimum number of strikes in the 5 degree window, max is the maximum. avg is the total divided by 5. delta is the difference between min and max, divided by the average number of strikes per degree. (to quantify the N,E,W and S spikes) sensitivy is the actual count for a direction, divided by the expected count based upon the counts for the adjecant directions, eg: count(N) / (count(NE+NW)/2). This is to quantify the NE,SE,SW and NW drop in sensitivy.